

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Vicious Virus

I've fallen prey to one of the nasty viruses afflicting humanity so apologies for not leaving comments etc... in my normal fashion.


  1. Sorry to hear that you've got the bug. I hope you get better soon. Sending hugs xx

  2. Sorry to hear you are still suffering - take great care!

  3. Oh no Paula, I do hope you will be feeling better very soon. In the meantime take care and keep warm.

    B x

  4. Oh no Paula, I do hope you will be feeling better very soon. In the meantime take care and keep warm.

    B x

  5. Hi Paula, There are some nasty flus going around the world, hope you are feeling better soon. Take good care, Shirleyx ps.. I thought when I read your blog title that your PC had a bad virus ! I'm not sure which is worse ? Cheers

  6. Sorry you are still poorly Paula there are a lot of nasty viruses around just now. Take care and get better soon
    Jackie x

  7. That's not a nice way to start the New Year at all Paula!!
    I hope you feel better very soon.

    Big hugs
    Elaine xx

  8. Aw, really sorry to find you're poorly and I hope you feel better very soon. I was really ill Thursday and Friday with an awful tummy bug and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Hope you get better as quickly as I seem to have.

    Lesley Xx

  9. Poor you. I really hope you feel better soon. If it is the one I had, the best cure for it is sleep, so get yourself a hot toddy and go to bed xxx

  10. Your thoughtful comments will be missed, but in the meantime, take lots of care and rest and hopefully this beastly bug will take a hike very soon. Elaine x

  11. I hope you are soon recovered Paula - its a dreadful time of the year for catching bugs, colds and flu!

    Please take care, and I hope you bounce back soon!



  12. Oh Paula, I am so sorry to hear you are unwell, I hope you recover soon, hugs x

  13. hope you are feeling a little bit better by now Paula. I am trying to convince myself that the sore throat and tight chest are nothing .. .. keep taking the Lemsips!
    hugs, annie x

  14. Sending you good vibes all the way from Chicago so hopefully you're starting to feel better by now...
    porr Thing you...



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