

Thursday, 26 May 2011


A very quick post from me as a week seems to have vanished in the blink of an eye...............

I gather that many people are having problems with leaving comments .......... & I wondered why I wasn't really aware of it, the odd one has a hiccough but just reloading the page seems to solve it. So I pondered & can only think it is because I use Safari as my web browser. I have used this for the past year & love it. OK, it took a bit of getting used to but I was also switching from PC to MAC so there was a steep learning curve. Anything I can't view - it's only the occasional web site - I use Firefox.

You can find out more about Safari here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Paula, just thought |I would pop by and say hello. I use firefox as well and have had no problems at all. My daughter was very impressed that I used a 'geeky' site.
    Happy Inking

  3. Hi again :)

    Well Mr blogger has been one of my problems this week, but he fell behind in my bad books to the 3 days of power cuts and a rubbish new satellite internet! :(

    Still, Im plodding on today :)

    Have a great weekend,



  4. Hi Paula, hope your chimney is okay with the high winds. I've had problems commenting this week as I use IE9 but have switched to Firefox for the time being until I hear that blogger is behaving again. My followers list is still missing though, I can only get to that through my dashboard. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Debs xx

  5. Hi Paula, we all are here to support you.


As of 14th May 2014 the commenting function has been disabled (see note in my sidebar). Thank you to everyone who has left comments in the past – these will remain visible for anyone who wishes to read them.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.