

Friday, 17 December 2010

More Snow...

It had snowed again during the night & continues to do so. The view across the valley cleared as I stood with my camera & I caught this with a glorious sky.


  1. omg that sure is alot of white stuff i am getting cold just looking at it but it does look beautiful xx

  2. Paula - it's really pretty, but I don't much like the snow! We've got some too, but not as much as you. Take care.
    Deborah x

  3. Hi Paula! we have had a little of the white stuff, but then it turned to slush and sleet. tomorrow will be hazardous as it all freezes to ice - still waiting for the threatened/promised snow though! stay warm,
    annie x

  4. Hi paula :)

    We are minus 15 here today - and thats very flippin cold! :D
    The snow doesnt know how to shift in these temperatures - no slush, no nothing, just absolutely glittering like diamonds snow, but its so cold it takes your breath away.

    Will email later in the week - but just wanted to say hi and wish you and all your family a very warm, cosy and wonderful christmas, with love and best wishes for the new year my friend :)




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